MBA Cohort Reps

Cohort reps are student leaders who build a
sense of community within our MBA Community.
These representatives are dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive environment, ensuring that every member of the MBA community feels connected and supported. Through their leadership, cohort reps contribute to the overall success and well-being of our diverse and dynamic MBAs.

Who are the MBA Cohort Representatives (Reps)?

We currently have 15 MBA cohorts, each supported by a dedicated team of 30 cohort representatives. Within this group, there are 24 Full-Time (FT) cohort reps and 14 Flex (FX) + Flex Online (FXO) cohort reps. 

For Full-Time cohorts, the representation includes three key roles: Cohort Rep, Engagement Rep, and DEI Rep. On the other hand, Flex and Flex Online Cohorts have two representatives, fulfilling the roles of Cohort Rep and DEI Rep.

To get to know our Cohort Reps and their advisors better, click on the button below to access the MBA Program Office Advisor List & Student Organization Leaders 

Cohort Rep Tasks & Expectations

Cohort Rep


Engagement Rep


Event Planning

What is the process for a cohort rep to plan an event?

All the information needed to help cohort reps suceed is available at Student Leaders Hub (Home > Event Planning Page).
Specifically, review the section "10 steps for planning your MBA club event".

What calendars should a cohort rep check before planning an event?

All the information needed to help cohort reps succeed is available at Student Leaders Hub (Home > MBA Calendars)
Please note that MBA Students are not permitted to schedule events during Exams or Program Days.


What is the cohort rep budget?

Cohort Budget: 

IMPORTANT: Cohort funds must be spent (not just requested) prior to the last day of each semester:

How can a cohort rep pay expenses?
All the information needed to help cohort reps succeed is available at Student Leaders Hub (Home > Finance Page)

How can a cohort rep pay expenses?

All the information needed to help cohort reps succeed is available at Student Leaders Hub (Home > Finance Page)

Please note that very likely you will be paying expenses using a procard (GU credit card), you will need to submit a "Payment Request" via HoyaConnect at least 15 days in advance of use so plan in advance.

Cohort Rep Training

MBA Cohort Trainings (2023-2024)