How We Teach This: Season Seven

Season 7 of How We Teach This has a wide range of guests and topics - Meet Kristine Becker Yulich, recipient of the Milken Award, the team of Kansas Teacher of the Year 2023, as well as a couple of interviews on the topic of school safety. Josh Stock returns for a Teacher Talk and shares more effective strategies to use in the classroom. 

Season 7, Episode 1 - June 7, 2023

Authentic Learning and Getting the Community Involved Improves Education

Kristi Becker Yulich, a 4th grade teacher in Topeka, KS was surprised and received the Milken Educator Award, known as the "Oscars of Teaching". Yulich shares strategies on using experiences in the classroom that have authentic learning, get the local community involved with the school and build strong connections with families. Yulich is also a National Geographic Certified Educator.

Kristi Becker Yulich

2022 Milken Educator Award Recipient


National Geographic Capstone Video.mp4

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