How We Teach This: Season Five

Season 5 of How We Teach This has a wide range of guests and topics - including a mini-series about School Safety, also the National Teachers Hall of Fame Inductees of 2022, Fallen Eductors Memorial, Teacher Retention, and many more.

Season 5, Episode 8 - December 7, 2022

Biography-Driven Instruction - Strategies to Create a Culturally Responsive Classroom

Diana Mendoza, Director of ESOL and Diversity, and Susanne Stevenson, ESOL Instructional Coach, both at Dodge City Public Schools, give examples of Biography Driven Instruction and explain why it is important to have a Culturally Relevant Classroom. Susanne Stevenson is also recognized as the 2022 Kansas Teacher of the Year. Listen to this episode to better understand how educators can help families and students be more successful when they come to our schools from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures, and languages. 

Susanne Stevenson

Diana Mendoza

Season 5, Episode 7 - November 23, 2022

True Vulnerabilities in School Safety

Dr. Jim Persinger, Professor of Psychology at Emporia State University, gives data to show that schools are actually safer now than they were in the 1980s. Instead of focusing on mass shootings, schools need to be implementing suicide prevention programs. Dr. Persinger gives hope in understanding that there are specific strategies that can be implemented with research showing they can make a difference and save students' lives.

Dr. Jim Persinger

Professor of Psychology

Diana Mendoza

Susanne Stevenson

Season 5, Episode 6 - November 9, 2022

Eliminating Barriers for Students With Diverse Backgrounds

Diana Mendoza, Director of ESOL and Diversity, and Susanne Stevenson, ESOL Instructional Coach. both at Dodge City Public Schools, share how they help students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds overcome the natural barriers that exist to getting a quality education. Susanne Stevenson is also recognized as the 2022 Kansas Teacher of the Year. Listen to this episode to better understand how educators can help families and students be more successful when they come to our schools from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures, and languages. 

Dr. Jim Persinger

Professor of Psychology

Season 5, Episode 5 - October 26, 2022

Dispelling the Myths of the School Shooter

Dr. Jim Persinger, Professor of Psychology at Emporia State University, explains how ideas that are commonly thought about school violence are often incorrect. One misconception is that school shootings come without warning. Dr. Persinger explains the data collected by the Secret Service regarding school violence and provides hope for educators that there are things we can control that make a difference in preventing future episodes of violence.

Season 5, Episode 4 - October 12, 2022

Kansas Future Teacher Academy Inspires Young Educators

Todd Roberts, Director of Kansas Future Teacher Academy (KFTA) shares the experience of 60+ high school students who participated in the summer of 2022. The participants toured a one-room school house and learned about many teaching strategies including best practices in project-based learning.

Director, Todd Roberts

Stephen R. Sroka, PhD

Season 5, Episode 3 - September 28, 2022

No Cost Strategies for Teachers to Create a Safer School

Dr. Stephen Sroka, Class of 1996 Inductee into the National Teachers Hall of Fame, shares strategies that guide teachers in ways they can have a positive impact on their school culture for no cost. Instead of investing in metal detectors and expensive systems, Dr. Sroka talks about the Four Things to Create a Safer Classroom, plus many more thoughts and ideas.

In this podcast episode, these experienced teachers delve into classroom management strategies and what they do for self-care. Listen to shared stories of students who changed their teaching careers.

Season 5, Episode 2 - September 14, 2022

Teacher Talk: National Teachers Hall of Fame

Class of 2022 Inductees

The National Teachers Hall of Fame's mission is "to recognize and honor exceptional career teachers, encourage excellence in teaching, and preserve the rich heritage of the teaching profession in the United States." 

The class of 2022 inductees were on campus at Emporia State University in June 2022 for induction into NTHF, housed at Emporia State. 

Class of 2022 Inductees

Gerald Kareem Neal

Christopher Poulos

Robert Fenster

Leila Kubesch

Sergio deAlba

Dr. Ken Weaver

Interim Executive Director, National Teachers Hall of Fame 

Carol Strickland

Former Executive Director, National Teachers Hall of Fame

Season 5, Episode 1 - August 31, 2022

School Safety: National Memorial to Fallen Educators

"The worst thing you could ever say is 'it won't happen here.'" - Dr. Ken Weaver

"(Teachers) don't want to carry guns, they want to save kids." - Carol Strickland

Dr. Ken Weaver and Carol Strickland, leaders in education and professionals associated with the National Teachers Hall of Fame, the National Memorial to Fallen Educators, and The Teachers College at Emporia State University, share what they have learned from the stories behind the names of those listed on the National Memorial to Fallen Educators. 

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