How We Teach This: Season Six

Season 6 of How We Teach This has a wide range of guests and topics - including a follow up on how some districts are implementing strategies from the Teacher Retention Survey, reaching students that are under represented, standards based grading, talking with teachers about effective strategies, and more.

Jamil Siddiqui

Math Teacher

National Teachers Hall of Fame

Class of 2020

Season 6, Episode 3 - February 15, 2023

Teacher Talk: Every Subject is a Language. How do we help our students become fluent?

Jamil Siddiqui, inductee in the Class of 2020 to the National Teachers Hall of Fame shares strategies that he has learned to be effective for his advanced math classes. These strategies could easily be implemented in any subject matter. He teaches his students more than math; he teaches them to effectively communicate.

Watch for part 2 of this interview, coming soon.  - Jamil provides a brilliant method for fairly grading participation with student group work. He has shown a talent for creating lasting relationships with his students. He recognizes how a past teacher made an impact on his life.
