"Sense of Family &
Therapy Dogs in School"

Shari Rooks, Principal at Cottonwood Elementary in the Andover Public Schools, has been working in the same building for 20 years. She has created a family with the staff, students and their families that makes those who are a part of the building feel like they belong. She shares how her staff has made amazing adaptations during the pandemic to allow for outstanding learning as well as the importance of considering the student first. Bringing dogs into the school and classroom was a natural part of the process when considering what kids really need to be successful. She shares the benefits and a few cautions for those that might be considering starting a therapy dog program in their school.

Episode 7, "Sense of Family and Therapy Dogs in School", July 7, 2021

Brinkley hanging out with students

Shari Rooks with therapy dog, Brinkley

Shari Rooks with a previous student returning to get a hug.

A previous student visits and cannot wait to greet Brandi and Mrs. Efflandt to say "hi" and get hugs.

This student shared, "I really enjoyed having Brandi and Brinkley in school. They helped me calm my anxiety when I needed it." ~ Kaci attended Cottonwood Elementary from Early Childhood to 4th grade.

Left: Shari Rooks and teachers from Cottonwood Elementary showed their support, encouragement, and love when needed by attending a family's surprise party for two students.

Above: The family was overwhelmed with appreciation to have so many staff members from the school attend the event in support.