How We Teach This: Season Four

Season 4 of How We Teach This has a wide range of guests and topics - including National Teachers Hall of Fame Inductees, Fallen Eductors Memorial, Social Emotional Learning, Teacher Retention and many more.

Episode 6 - August 17, 2022

Leanne Miller

Director of Innovation & Compliance

Center for Innovation & Excellence

Barton Community College

Josh Bolick

Head, David Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright

Watson Library Room 400A

University of Kansas

Improving Pedagogy with OER

Part 1 of 2

Lee Miller and Josh Bolick, experts in Open Educational Resources (OER), spend a lot of time helping others navigate the emerging strategy of OER for their classrooms. In this episode they share, how not only can professors in higher education but also teachers in K-12, can improve teaching and learning by utilizing the concept of open educational resources. They describe the value OER offers the classroom by empowering students as creators.


NISOD Innovation OER.pdf

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