Global Education

-Global Education in the Faculty of Law-

As globalization is widely progressing in various areas of Japanese society, it is becoming essential to acquire global awareness, not only for those who wish to play an active role in a global field, but also for those who wish to work for domestic companies, in legal professions, or as civil servants. In addition to regular classes, curriculum under the Faculty of Law offers various study abroad opportunities and programs. Through these, you can deepen your global knowledge and various skills, such as practical language ability, multicultural understanding, international comparisons, and human rights. You will see the details of global programs provided by the Faculty of Law below. 

- Global Programs provided by the Faculty of Law -

In the global programs provided by the Faculty of Law, you will learn how legal knowledge is related to social order and problem solving, and how it reflects and can change society. You will improve your knowledge by understanding the law and society comparatively in a global context and learn the role of law in society from practical perspectives. 

Through various activities, such as attending classes at a prestigious foreign university, having interaction with local students, or visiting international, governmental institutions and local communities, you will improve your language skills as well as deepen your knowledge of law and understanding the role of law to protect human rights and to realize healthy and sustainable society. In the Spring or Fall Semester, you will have pre-departure sessions, then you will actually visit the site and study during summer or spring break.

In the 2024 academic year, the following 4  study tour and short-term overseas programs are being conducted.

※ Depending on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the contents of the programs might change.

Overseas Study Tour

Law and Society in Vietnam

<CONDUCT>Legal and Social Development Assistance in Cambodia 

Law and Society in the United States of America

<CONDUCT>Law and Society in the European Union

<CONDUCT>Legal English Program in Australia

Short-term Overseas Program

Sydney Active Learning Program 

<CONDUCT>ILO Research Program (Switzerland)

With the aim of improving one’s ability to handle expertise learned in Japanese in a foreign language, these courses are designed for students to study Japanese law in English. In these courses, domestic and exchange students will study together in the same classroom, and all lectures and discussions among students are conducted in English. 

In this program, you will learn German law and EU law at Munich University for about four weeks in summer. This is a highly advanced and specialized program that is only open to a limited number of international law students, and English is used in classes. The Munich University accepts one student from Chuo University.   *No credit will be given. 

The purpose of this system is to support international students and help them adapt to daily life, as well as university life in Japan. Peer supporters will help international students to develop friendships on campus and to make their study and daily life meaningful and fruitful.

This system will also enable Law students at Chuo to have international exchange opportunities and through various activities the students will be able to deepen their understanding of cultural differences.

Besides those above, Chuo University offers various study abroad opportunities and programs.

Global FLP

Study Abroad Programs