Physical Education & Health 4-8
Physical Education & Health 4-8
Curriculum Documents
Curriculum Documents
Check Out Our New Curriculum Mapping and Management System! If you are brought to a page that is trying to redirect you to our curriculum site, please click on the link for Fair Haven Rubicon Atlas.
All Grades 4 - 8 Health & Physical Education Documents Can Be Found Here
Helpful Links
Helpful Links
New Jersey Student Learning Standards - Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Below, please find some helpful links to navigate the topics in our health curriculum. You will find our "Quick Opt Out" Guide, a presentation that was shared with our community, and a FAQ document that resulted from our two public presentations. The Comprehensive Health and Physical Education curriculum was approved at the August 31, 2022 Board of Education meeting.
Below, please find some helpful links to navigate the topics in our health curriculum. You will find our "Quick Opt Out" Guide, a presentation that was shared with our community, and a FAQ document that resulted from our two public presentations. The Comprehensive Health and Physical Education curriculum was approved at the August 31, 2022 Board of Education meeting.