Media Literacy (4-5)

This curriculum focuses most of it's content in the 2020 Computer Science and Design Thinking standards, as well as the 2020 Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills standards. There are also a number of other interdisciplinary standards weaved throughout this curriculum.

Media Literacy is a new special area offering to our 4th and 5th grade students. Students will engage in this course for one marking period during their special area rotations. Media Literacy will focus on several areas of online media that students will not only frequently use, but will also benefit them as they become more independent digital citizens moving into their middle school years.

Through the use of Google's Applied Digital Skills, online safety lessons, and specific keyboarding lessons, students will become familiar with aspects of the GSuite of tools, such as Drive, Sheets, Slides, etc., as well as collaborate safely through this online platform, while conducting research and creating presentations demonstrating specific skills. Students will also gain the skills necessary to quickly and accurately create documentation through the teaching of typing skills, utilizing the Keyboarding Without Tears program.

This course will not only work through skills students need to have, as the Fair Haven School District is a Google-based district, but also allows for students to excel. This curriculum provides additional enrichment activities students can engage in at their own pace to continue to enhance their learning.

Check Out Our New Curriculum Mapping and Management System!

4th and 5th Grade Media Literacy Documents Can Be Found Here