Appeals Process
We recognize that parents play a vital role in the identification process. If a child is not identified through our matrix, but Parents/Guardians believe the child is performing well above grade level or is demonstrating exceptional characteristics or talents, they can appeal the identification decision and have their child’s performance and achievement reviewed by completing a form linked in the Gifted Education Guidance document. Forms must be completed by the established deadline for placement consideration and must be submitted to the Gifted Education Program Coordinator. All appeals will be reviewed by the Gifted Education Committee.
A community-wide email will be sent to all families when letters of identification for further screening have been sent. All families will receive an email, regardless of whether or not their child was identified for further consideration. This will take place in March of each year, unless indicated otherwise.
While students will only be formally tested two times, families may appeal based on the other data scores, which change year to year. The Gifted Education Committee will review the new data, in conjunction with prior norm-referenced testing, and will use the predetermined cut scores to identify if a student would qualify for the program at the time of the appeal.
For students that are not found eligible for the Gifted Education Program, should a family feel they have additional, relevant information that they would like considered, an appeal can be made to our Superintendent of Schools. Our Superintendent of Schools will review the case and make a final decision. If the placement is overturned by the superintendent, a student will enter the program on a probationary status* to ensure the Gifted Education Program is the best fit for the student.