Assessment Reporting

On October 16, 2024, Fair Haven's Superintendent, Mr. Sean McNeil, reported participation and performance results of annual Statewide assessments (NJSLA - ELA, Math and Science) to the district Board of Education at an open public meeting.

Data analysis includes student cohorts and trends, district data over time, grade level data over time, comparisons with surrounding districts (Peninsula), identified next steps and reflection, and current instructional changes to meet the needs of all learners.


On October 18, 2023, Fair Haven's Superintendent, Mr. Sean McNeil, reported participation and performance results of annual Statewide assessments (NJSLA - ELA, Math and Science) to the district Board of Education at an open public meeting.

Data analysis includes student cohorts and trends, district data over time, grade level data over time, comparisons with surrounding districts (Peninsula), identified next steps and reflection, and current instructional changes to meet the needs of all learners.


On January 19, 2022, Fair Haven's Superintendent, Mr. Sean McNeil, reported participation and performance results from New Jersey's Start Strong fall assessment (ELA and Math) to the district Board of Education at an open public meeting.

Data analysis includes comparison to current district local diagnostics/benchmarks, comparisons with surrounding districts (Peninsula), identified next steps and reflection, and key takeaways.  Mr. McNeil has fully narrated this presentation, which can be access in the link below.


On March 18, 2020, Fair Haven's Superintendent, Mr. Sean McNeil, reported participation and performance results of annual Statewide assessments (NJSLA - Science) to the district Board of Education at an open public meeting.

Data analysis includes information about the assessment, state to district comparisons , comparisons with surrounding districts (12 districts that shared information), identified next steps and reflection, and current instructional changes to meet the needs of all learners.


On October 30, 2019, Fair Haven's Superintendent, Mr. Sean McNeil, reported participation and performance results of annual Statewide assessments (NJSLA - ELA and Math) to the district Board of Education at an open public meeting.

Data analysis includes student cohorts and trends, district data over time, grade level data over time, comparisons with surrounding districts (Peninsula), identified next steps and reflection, and current instructional changes to meet the needs of all learners.