State Performance Plan Indicators (SPPI)

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) collects data from local education agencies (LEAs) for the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). LEAs are required to report data on sixteen State Performance Plan Indicators (SPPIs) identified by the United States Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. 

SPPI_Overview_ Special Education Spotlight_R7
TEA- SPPIs.pdf

SPPI One-Pagers

SPPI 7 TEAL Application 

Early Childhood Outcome Data

2022_SPP 7_Education Spotlight_R7 Final

SPPI 11 & 12 

Child Find Submissions

Child Find Data Submission 23-24.pdf
2022_SPP 11_Education Spotlight_R7
2022_SPP 12_Education Spotlight_R7

SPPI 13 & 14

2022_SPP 13_Education Spotlight_R7
2023_SPP 14_Education Spotlight_R7

SPPI Reporting

Additional Resources