Significant Disproportionality (SD)
Under 20 U.S.C 1418 (d) and 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.646, states must provide for the collection and examination of data to annually determine whether significant disproportionality based on race or ethnicity is occurring in the State and local education agencies (LEAs) with respect to three areas.
The identification of students with disabilities, including identification of students with particular impairments. (Ages 3-21)
The placement of students in particular educational settings. (Ages 6-21)
The incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary actions, including suspensions and expulsions. (Ages 3-21)
Important Dates for LEAs Designated as Significant Disproportionality Year 3
SD 3 Notifications Sent: 10/10/24
SD 3 Survey Due: 11/15/24
SD 3 Assurances Due: 1/24/25
Additional Resources
Texas SPED Support houses a variety of trainings and resources to support this spotlight topic.