Residential Facilities (RF)

A Residential Facility is considered a facility that provides 24-hour custody or care of students with disabilities 22 years of age or younger for:

An RF does not include traditional foster homes licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as Foster Family Homes (Independent).

Residential Facilities_Special Education Spotlight_Region 10

Residential Facilities Tracker

The RFT is used to collect data for students with disabilities who reside in residential care and treatment facilities within the geographic boundaries or jurisdiction of a local education agency (LEA). This data is used to inform stakeholders, such as educators, parents, and legislators, about the effectiveness of educational programs and student outcomes for students residing in residential facilities in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.1072. RFT data is also used to support improved student performance and LEA compliance with federal and state special education requirements for a unique and vulnerable population of students who often have limited access to family members who can advocate for their educational needs.

Additional Resources

Texas SPED Support houses a variety of trainings and resources, including but not limited to: