Discipline & Behavior


Authorities: 34 CFR Part 300; Texas Education Code; Texas Penal Code; 18 USC §§ 930, 1365; 21 USC § 812  

Significant Disproportionality | Discipline

Additional Resources

Texas SPED Support houses a variety of trainings and resources related to behavior, including but not limited to:

The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) is a state-level training that meets the requirements mandated by Texas Education Code §37.0021 and Texas Administrative Code §89.1053. TBSI provides foundational knowledge for positive behavior interventions and supports for all students, including students with disabilities. While the TBSI training meets legislative requirements related to procedures for restraint and time-out, it also provides a framework for sharing a wide range of foundational-level behavior strategies and prevention-based school-wide, classroom, and individual interventions.