Project - Moving Machines

Key Learning

DES 2910 - Project B

DES 2065 - Technical Design 2

Simple Piston 

For this project you will practice using assemblies and joints.

Key Learning

DES 2910 - DES Project B

DES 2065 - Technical Design 2

If you have completed the Simple Piston Project you have already accomplished the basic level skills in this area of study.

Developing Level - Two Stage Geartrain

For this project you must create a baseplate, Crank, wheel, and at least two stages of gears (4 gears) that provide a 16:1 gear reduction (you choose the direction).

You may use pre built gears, such as from the Robot CAD Library, or you may use custom built gears.


Proficient Level - Moving  Mechanism

For the skilled level of this project you are to create a 2 stage  Moving Mechanism (EXAMPLE) it can have 2 Moving Mechanisms put together. For the whole list of Moving Mechanisms you can attempt -  go here

Your parts should be 3D printed and be compatible with a DC motor run off a battery pack

Your design can include a reasonable amount of PLA filament as well as:

Motion / Programing

You will need to design in motion using a DC motor (or servo) and 3D print / assemble your Moving Machines Mechanism.

Your design can include a reasonable amount of PLA filament as well as:

Exemplary Level Example - Spider Bot

Create a working model of a Jansen Mechanism walking machine.

...that is the whole assignment...good luck.

Wikipedia page with Jansen Mechanism part lengths

Motion Analysis of a Jansen Mechanism (not required, but fascinating)