Setting up an ePortfolio

This class will make use of an ePortfolio system using Google Drive and Fusion 360.

Please set up an ePortfolio using the following steps:

ePortfolio Suggestions

File Names

Do you know what is hard to read? Anything named untitled document.

Please name your files appropriately using the #.# system on this site or with the project name if you are working on a bigger project.

Good file names:

Bad File Names


With the proliferation of the gig economy keeping track of your own progress has never been more important.

In your assignment folder create a new spreadsheet and make it look similar to the Robotics/PreEngineering Timesheet

The purpose of the timesheet is to provide accountability for you and your work, as well as a place for you to reflect on what you accomplish this semester.

This timesheet needs to be filled out each day and will directly affect your Personal Management Competency Achievement. They will be submitted twice per semester in the appropriate D2L dropbox.