Project - Alliance Markers

Key Learning

DES 2910 - Project B

DES 2065 - Technical Design 2

For this project you will be designing FTC Robot Alliance markers for this year's game, Power Play.

The following rules define this challenge (From Game Manual 1)

Alliance Marker – Robots must include a Team supplied, Alliance specific marker on two opposite sides of the Robot to easily identify which Alliance a Robot is assigned to. The Alliance marker must be displayed on the same side of the Robot as the Team number, within a 3-inch (7.62 cm) distance of the number. 

Additionally, good Alliance Markers should be designed to be swapped quickly and easily.

You may use:

Your alliance marker should be designed to mount to a Studica U-Channel using standard m3 bolts.

One design critique will be required for this project with iterations to follow.

Your Alliance Markers must be presented as a booklet of drawings (in pdf form) for your final submission but may bee shown as a 3d model as well duing your critique.