Class Expectations and Assessments

In this class it is an expectation that students are acting as young professionals as if they were working towards a professional designation in some branch or level of engineering.

Because of this students will be assessed on how the work in the lab on a day-to-day basis. Observations of these behaviors will be recorded and presented as a part of a student's Competency (and Connections) grade. This will be calculated at 30% of a students final grade.

The difference between Competencies and Outcomes (the other 70% of a grade) is the Competencies are work habits, traits or "soft skills" that contribute to your workplace success in all areas while Outcomes are skills or knowledge specific to a particular area such as the ability to draw in Orthographic or knowledge about electrical transistors.

Competencies and Outcomes will be assessed in one of four ways:

  • Through teacher observations during class or in-class discussions. In these discussions student may be called upon(randomly) to answer assigned questions.

  • Through ePortfolio assessment of works presented.

  • Through quizzes and tests in class.

  • Through exit interviews near the end of semester.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is a bit of a difficult concept in a class that is primarily skill based and heavy in group-work. Because of this, here are some guidelines:

  • If you use information that was not an original thought or common knowledge, please recognize where it came from. This is called citing your sources and is a key skill as you move towards post-secondary education.

  • Quizzes in this class will clearly state if you are allowed to use internet access to assist you. This, combined with AutoCAD's help files may be usable during assessments, but please read instructions carefully before beginning.

  • Using another student's work as your own is a clear infringement on both their intellectual property and your academic integrity.

In these cases you could be taken up on a variety of sanctions:

    • Have to re-do the task and accept a penalty to your Competency grades, specifically an automatic Insufficient on either Information Management and/or Personal Management.

    • Have the academic dishonesty reported on your permanent record in Powerschool. Your parents and Connect teacher will also be informed in this case.

    • The case may be taken to school admin in the case of multiple or egregious misconduct.

If you aren't sure if it's academic dishonesty, please ask.

Outcome and Competency Profiles

Courtesy of Keith Christensen

In many ways competencies and outcome profiles can be put into a math formula that will equate to the type of experience, attitude and level of success that one is likely to have in school and/or other areas. Below are descriptions of some of the outcome and competency profiles.

High Outcomes + High Competencies =

A person that is high in both technical skills and knowledge required in a given field. This person is also looking to constantly grow, improve and perfect their craft. This person readily accepts and adopts feedback.

High Outcomes + Medium Competencies =

A person that is currently high in technical skills and knowledge but is content with the level achieved leading to a degree of stagnation. This person may grow incrementally but may also experience frustration as things become more complex and the demands are increased.

High Outcomes + Low Competencies =

A person who is fairly skilled for now, but one that may notice sharp a sharp decline in their technical abilities and knowledge, relative to others over time. As work is more complex and expectations are increased this person may experience a growing sense of failure and inadequacy.

Medium Outcomes + High Competencies =

A learner who will find more complex work challenging but will rise up to the challenge and work hard to achieve the best level possible. This is a person has a growth mindset that believes that he/she can improve over time and will be able to handle the challenges coming.

Medium Outcomes + Medium Competencies =

A person who is competent in both the skills and knowledge needed to be fairly successful but that may find more complex work and increasing demands hard to meet. This person will likely do enough to be moderately successful but won’t achieve his/her full potential.

Medium Outcomes + Low Competencies =

A person who does OK with simple work but finds more complex work challenging. This person may be prone to shutting down, making excuses or quitting when things get harder.

Low Outcomes + High Competencies =

A person who may be new or struggle with a certain area but will work hard and persevere. This person will grow significantly over time and will find ways to be successful. This person will work to achieve their full potential.

Low Outcomes + Medium Competencies =

A person who may struggle to achieve a basic level of skill and understanding in a given area. This person may grow slightly over time but will likely not achieve all that they are capable of doing.

Low Outcomes + Low Competencies =

A person who will struggle to meet even the basic requirements needed in a given area. This person may be prone to quitting at the first sign of challenge or higher expectation.