ENG 101 - Studying Geophysics

Create a Doc or Slides presentation that compares the following careers:

Use at least the following metrics to compare them:

  • Level of education

  • Type of education

  • Salary and wages

  • Working conditions

For those that went on the Seismic in Motion Field trip the assignment is slightly different. You will need to assemble a Doc or Slides presentation answering the following questions:

  • What role do geophysicists and petroleum engineers play on a seismic site?

  • What key tasks need to be completed in order for the seismologists to do their jobs? What other career roles are required to make a site function?

  • Why does health and safety play such a key role on a seismic site? What groups are involved in getting everyone home safely?

  • What innovative technologies are involved on a seismic site? What are they there for and why does this industry promote them?