Arduino and Robotics Review

For this Module we will be going through a review of how Arduinos function as well as the basics of robotics before everyone tackles a basic robotic sensor system to prove what they know.

Before starting this module students who have not yet earned Robotics Applications 1 (check PowerSchool if you are unsure) must complete and submit the following assignments:

1.10 Robot Research Project 

1.11 Energy Systems

Arduino Review

Please complete, either with your kit in class, or through TinkerCAD the following. Save a record of the circuit and code in your ePorttfolio for reference.

Coding Theory Review

Project 1 - Light

Circuit 1A - Blink an LED

Circuit 1B - Potentiometer

Circuit 1C - Photoresistor

Circuit 1D - RGB Nightlight

Project 2 - Sound

Circuit 2A - Buzzer

Circuit 2B - Digital Trumpet

Circuit 2C - Simon Says Game

Project 3 - Motion

Circuit 3A - Servo Motors

Circuit 3B - Distance Sensor

Circuit 3C - Motion Alarm

Project 4 - Display

Circuit 4A - LCD "Hello World"

Circuit 4B - Temperature Sensor