Organising the movement


The area of study that this chapter will cover is called Organising the Movement as it relates to dance choreography.

  • Motif
  • Phrase
  • Motif into Phrase

In the HSC you will be awarded 16 marks in total for this area of study. It is believed that the candidate will spend the majority of their time working with the motif and developing movement phrases that are a further exploration of the motif to clearly communicate a concept/intent for 2/3 dancers.

NESA Marking criteria

1b: Organising movement for 2 or 3 dancers in relation to a stated concept/intent (16 marks)

The student will be assessed on how well he/she:

  • organises the motif into phrases for 2 or 3 dancers relative to a stated concept/intent within the context of dance as an artform.

The candidate demonstrates skills and understanding of the manipulation of space, time and dynamics to:

  • establish motif(s)
  • manipulate motif(s) to create phrases
  • develop phrases to support a concept/intent.

Assessment and reporting in dance Stage 6 copyright NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017.

Organising the movement


What is a motif?

The motif is the foundation of a work. It provides logical development and form. The motif has emerged during improvisation through the influence of the stimulus, your imagination (the choreographer) and your movement interpretation of the two.

Syllabus definition

'...the earliest stage of development of a theme or composition; a movement starting point which gives the first element form to the dance/work’

Dance 11-12 Syllabus copyright NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009

Another definition of the motif by Preston-Dunlop (1963) states:

'A movement motif is a simple movement pattern but it has something capable of being developed.'

The beginning motif starts to communicate the idea and the next few phrases need to go on demonstrating the same concept as further qualification of the statement. The motif can vary in its length. Repetition of the content, however, is mostly achieved by means of development and variation of the motif/s.

The choreographer is encouraged to create a motif for each individual dancer/ role, as well as a motif that unifies all of the dancers within the space, and best reflects a concept/intent. The motif should be seen as the driving force behind the phrases. The phrases are further explored to create a sense of unity within the work.


Watch the video to the left.

A possible concept/intent for this work called ‘Tar and Feathers’ by Jiri Kylian could be about the idea of being suspended in time and in space. The motif could be in this instance the suspension of body parts in the space or the idea of stillness.

  1. How has the choreographer further explored the motif on each individual and within the group? (At least 3 examples)

Please provide structured and detailed responses, describing the movement and the use of space, time and dynamics for each example given.


What is a phrase?

A phrase is a form of structure, it comes under the area of study in the syllabus, organising movement as it relates to dance choreography. It should have a beginning, middle and end, and is comprised of movement related to a concept/intent.

Syllabus definition

'...brief sequence of related movements that make up the smallest and simplest unit of form.’

Dance 11-12 Syllabus copyright NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009

Motif into phrase

What does motif into phrase mean?

The phrases are generally created through the manipulation and exploration of the motif/s. A phrase can vary in length and is often dictated by the duration of phrases within the music. They should vary in time, dynamic quality and reinforce a concept/intent. The movement surrounding the motif should be structured in a way that is integral to what the dance is about. Phrase lengths as stated previously will vary, the motif can exist as a momentary position or it can last for a length of time. It could consist of seven or eight movements which will create one, two or even three movement phrases. The motif is used within the phrases to recapitulate, revise, and reiterate a concept/intent.


Look at the same Youtube video above.

  1. Identify 2 phrases and phrase lengths. Describe the beginning and ending of each movement phrase, using words and or drawings, please annotate these.
  2. Select two and discuss how the motif driven phrases have been manipulated by the elements of dance: space, time and dynamics. This requires you to think about how all three elements may have been explored to further communicate a concept/intent.

As a student you are expected to devise a motif/s for Major Study Composition for 2/3 dancers in relation to a concept/intent.

  1. Identify a concept/intent for 2/3 dancers.
  2. Devise a possible motif/s for the 2/3 dancers and motif/s for each individual dancer that reflects a concept/intent. Describe the motif/s and include annotated drawings/photographs of the example/s to support your answer.
  3. Further explore this motif/s by manipulating and exploring movement and organise into 2 phrases. Describe the manipulations and exploration of motif into each phrase and include annotated drawings/photographs of the example/s to support your answer.