
Bangarra Dance Theatre

Choreographer - Frances Rings

Costumes - Jennifer Irwin

Lighting - Karen Norris

Music - David Page

Cultural Advisor - Reg Dodd

Set Design - Jacob Nash

Premiere - 2012, The Arts Centre Melbourne

Duration - 60 minutes

Dancers - 14 dancers

'Terrain transports us to Lake Eyre in South Australia, the place of Australia’s inland sea: one of the few untouched natural waterways in the world. Choreographer Frances Rings explores the fundamental connection between Aboriginal people and land - how our land looks after us, how we connect with its spirit, and how we regard its future.'


Activity: Initial impressions

This activity requires you to think about the work from multiple angles. It will ask you to put on different hats for thinking.

Watch Terrain uninterrupted. After watching try and reflect on what you saw/felt/heard using the different hats. Use the supplied questions to help you respond. It will help if you have some contextual understanding of the work. You can develop this by completing the activity titled Developing contextual understanding of the work on the Introduction to Terrain page.

Initial Impressions activity Terrain.docx
Image credits
Image one- https://my.bangarra.com.au/dvd/terrain date accessed 24/04/2020Image two - Bangarra dance theatre: Terrain date accessed 06/04/2020Image three - Jennider Irwin website, date accessed 06/04/2020