The muscular and skeletal systems

The Spine

The spine is central to the skeletal system. It supports the head and encloses the spinal cord. It is made up of 33 vertebrae which are classified into five regions.

  1. Cervical vertebrae – there are 7 cervical vertebrae in the neck region.
  2. Thoracic vertebrae – there are 12 thoracic vertebrae in the upper back region.
  3. Lumbar vertebrae – there are 5 lumbar vertebrae in the lower back region.
  4. Sacral vertebrae – the 5 sacral vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum.
  5. Coccygeal vertebrae – the 4 small coccygeal vertebrae are fused together to form the coccyx or tailbone.

Depending on the amount of flexibility and strength you have, you will have varying degrees of articulation within your spine. Some dancers have very flexible backs and are able to, with control and heightened kinaesthetic awareness, perform certain movements that require the back to bend.

Running down the centre of the spine is the spinal cord. The spinal cord is made up of millions of nerve fibres. These nerves are the communication link between the brain and all other parts of the body. Messages about feeling or sensation are sent to the brain via the spinal cord, and the brain sends movement or functional messages to the body, also via the spinal cord. The nerves transmit messages to our muscles so they will move in certain ways. This is why it is important to do warm-ups that not only increase muscle elasticity, muscle strength and cardio vascular endurance, but warm-ups that concentrate on stimulating the nerve endings and prepare the dancer mentally.


Answer the questions below in your logbook and submit to your teacher for feedback.

  1. How would you prevent injury to the spine occurring? Be dance specific e.g. when performing a jump, or fall or balance or turn.
  2. Name some exercises that you could do to assist with strengthening and increasing flexibility in the spine.
  3. In detail describe two adequate warm-up exercises for the spine. What muscle/s are you warming up and why?
  4. In your Core Performance Dance what measures have you taken to prevent injuries from occurring to the spine? Give 3 specific examples and describe in detail the movement from your dance, and what injuries could occur should they not be executed correctly. Provide a picture/illustration with a written description of each example.