The muscular and skeletal systems

'Gravity is the constant force in our world, exerting physical pull on our bodies, which respond and remain erect through the interaction of our muscular and skeletal systems.'

Wauchop, D. (2004) Dancing in space, Piper Press, Sydney

When the body is properly aligned in a normal standing position, the line of weight passes just in front of the shoulder joint, bony processes of the vertebrae and the patella and tarsals joints.

This forward pull on the erect body affects actions in the joints. The body is finely engineered to counteract this pressure through the integration of the structures and functions of the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles.

The Skeleton

Bones are hard and strong, and shaped to deliver weight through the centre joints to balance the body.

The skeleton is important in dance for the following reasons:

  • it provides support and stability
  • it protects the major organs of the body
  • to allow accurate movement when muscles contract by giving rigidity.