Core Composition

Part one

The following outcomes will be addressed as you progress through this module.

H1.2 Performs composes and appreciates dance as an artform.

H3.1 Identifies and selects the appropriate elements of composition/choreography in response to a specific concept/intent.

H3.3 Recognises and values the role of dance in achieving individual expression.

H3.4 Explores, applies and demonstrates the combined use of compositional principles in a personal style in response to a specific concept/intent.

Dance 11-12 Syllabus copyright NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2009.

This unit is not a standalone tool. You should explore other classroom strategies to support your learning of this topic with your classroom teacher. When completing this unit it is recommended that you keep in contact and regularly discuss your learning with your teacher. They will provide meaningful feedback and suggestions to continue to enhance and build your knowledge of this topic.