Skills of Analysis

Describing Movement

The focus of the following activity to develop your skills in describing movement and linking your ideas to the works intent. It is important that you focus on using a technical and descriptive vocabulary when describing movement examples. If you need a little extra support in describing dance movement explore the youtube clip Terrain: Bangarra Dance Theatre Education Resource (with Audio Description) (00:05:33).


View each section of the work and complete the table below. Remember when describing movement use a technical and descriptive vocabulary.

Describing movement activity.docx

Analysis Table

View each section of the work. Use the table attached to help you analyse each section of Terrain.

Analysis table Terrain.docx

Additional analysis tasks

Answer the following questions in point form, giving examples from the work using descriptive and technical vocabulary. Use annotated drawings and diagrams where necessary to help illustrate your ideas and responses.

a) What are your feelings towards the work?

b) Describe the visual components of the work. How do you believe these assist in communicating the thematic intent (what the work is about)?

c) What body parts do you see moving? Are there any common movement features or characteristics or motifs? Please provide 2 specific examples from Terrain using both technical and descriptive terminology.

Choose a section from Terrain (a solo, a duo, a whole group piece.) Identify where your chosen section appears within the work and write an in depth response addressing the following focus questions.

a) What do you think this section of the work is about (thematic intent)?

b) Provide 3 examples of movement shapes, steps or gestures support the thematic intent of the section using descriptive and technical language.

c) How do the music, costume, props, lighting and use of the performance space help to communicate meaning within the section?

d) From your understanding of the context of Terrain how do you see this reflected in this section of the work?