Exam preparation for Core composition

You would have choreographed a solo dance of between 3 and 5 minutes duration to be performed by another student from the school.

What will happen at the Core Composition examination?

1. Rationale is presented to examiners.

You are required to have 3 copies of your rationale. This will be given to the Senior Dance Marker at the beginning of the day.

2. The examiners will then read your rationale.

3. You will enter the space without your Core Composition dancer.

4. Elaboration (up to 6 minutes)

After reading your rationale, the examiners will ask you some questions about your Core Composition dance. You may bring a clean copy of your rationale with you into the examination room. The elaboration provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding about the areas of study both orally and physically in relation to your concept/intent. Please note that you do not have to talk/demonstrate for the whole 6 minutes. If you have feel that you have explained and demonstrated enough, you may leave.

5. The Core Composition dancer enters the space

6. The performance of the choreographed solo dance (3–5 minutes).

Complete the checklist below.

Year 12 students should note that the Core composition and Major study components of the 2020 HSC examination have been altered for safety reasons. Details of this can be found on NESA’s website and a brief summary is listed below.

· Students must dance their own choreography.

· External HSC exams for Major Study Composition and Dance and Technology Film and Video are cancelled.

This resource has been written for use extended beyond 2020. Please note the changes above when looking at advice below.

Image credits
Jigsaw puzzle, date accessed 07/04/2020