Exam preparation for Core Performance

The examination for Core Performance is conducted in the following sequence:

1. performance of the ‘Dance’ (3–5 minutes)

2. cool-down (1 minute)

3. interview (up to 6 minutes).

The Interview

After the performance of the dance, an interview will take place between the examiners and yourself. In awarding marks for Core Performance, the examiners will take into account the skills and understanding demonstrated by the student both in the performance of the dance and in the interview.

In the interview, you will respond to questions asked by the examiners. You will have the opportunity to orally and physically demonstrate your applied knowledge and understanding of performance.

The nature of the question/s that is being asked will be on an individual basis. Therefore in preparing for your interview, you must ensure that know the areas of study in relation to your Core Performance dance.

The questions will be generic in nature which means that you will need to listen carefully in order to answer them completely. Not only will the questions cover safe dance practice, they will also be expecting to hear about performance quality applied to your Core Performance Dance.

For example, if one of the questions was:

  • How did you prepare for the balances in your Core Performance dance?

What are the key words in the question? What is the question asking?

Prepare, Balances, Your, Core Performance

What could you discuss in reference to a question like this? (Think about both safe dance practice and performance quality/interpretation).

  • Warm up/cool down of muscles in working and supporting leg
  • Principals of alignment (relationship between skeletal system, line of gravity and base of support)
  • Kinaesthetic awareness
  • Focus and projection
  • Quality of line.

We would recommend that you still define the key terms that you are using and physically demonstrate examples from your dance then orally explain how the example is relevant to the question.

You still need to demonstrate your knowledge of technical (names of dance movements and anatomical terminology) and descriptive vocabulary.

Even though this is an informal interview, you still need to show an in-depth understanding of the areas of study and terminology. Please do not use generic terms. You do not need to talk/demonstrate for the entire 6 minutes, the examiners will let you know when they have heard enough to accurately assess your understanding of the areas of study.


a. Write three questions that could be asked of you from your Core Performance Dance in relation to the dot points in the syllabus. Ensure that you are covering all areas of study.

b. Provide a written response to your own questions, giving examples from your Core Performance Dance.

Please use both descriptive and technical vocabulary in your responses. Provide annotated illustrations or photographs to support your response.

Please note that this component of the examination you will be required to orally and physically demonstrate your understanding rather than a written response. We encourage you to practice these questions with someone else, be it parent, friend or supervisor.

Complete the checklist below.
