S2 Art & Design


Subject Areas

Whilst all pupils will cover the same core elements, individual teacher/s may decide on the themes for their units of work. Subject areas covered in S2:

Design Work

S2 Design work will demonstrate greater focus on the Design Process. 

Pupils will build on knowledge and experience gained in S1 of working within a brief to demonstrate sound understanding of issues and constraints to create functional and creative final solutions. Developing problem solving will be a key focus in this unit.

As in S1, appropriate visual elements will be studied, dependant on the nature of the activity undertaken.

Expressive Work

Mythical Beasts Sculpture

Expressive Work

Fantasy Portraiture

       Expressive Work

As with S1, S2 pupils will be encouraged to work from both first hand and second hand sources where work should centre around the subject matter, methods and materials of the artist. Pupils will be encouraged to further develop self-expression with a range of media, using a variety of techniques, to produce individual expressive piece/s of work. Appropriate visual elements will be studied, dependant on the nature of the activity undertaken.

Appropriate critical analysis of artists/art movements will form an integral part of work undertaken.

S2 Expressive work will continue to build on skills learned in S1and pupils will be given the opportunity to explore new areas of work such as Sculpture and Fantasy & Imagination.


Pupils will gain experience of the following media:

Visual Elements

Each body of work undertaken will focus on a number of visual elements appropriate to the individual task set.

Art/Design Movements

Looking artists/designers/movements will be integral to units.  In S2, these may include:

Social/Cultural contexts and influences will be studied as part of the written element.

Formal Testing

In addition to Design and Expressive bodies of work that are assessed, to further gauge knowledge & understanding, there will be one formal Departmental test taken under exam conditions: