S2 Music

S2 Music- Course Outline

Pupils at MGS attend Music once a week in S2

Solo perfroming skills 

Pupils will choose two instruments to focus on throughout S2. They will alternate between these two instruments throughout the year in order to continuously develop their skills in playing their chosen instruments. Pupils have the chance to choose two of the following instruments; keyboard, tuned percussion, voice, drums, bass guitar, guitar, ukulele.

Continuing to learn to read music 

Pupils continue to develop their skills in reading note names and rhythms. In S2, pupils will also learn about sharps and flats, bar lines and other important musical symbols to further develop their understanding of music theory. 

group performing skills 

Playing an instrument as part of a larger group is a key skill in music. During this project, pupils will choose one of their chosen instruments to play as part of a 'class band'. They will practice their part individually then participate in a group rehearsal to ensure they are developing skills in playing in time with others.

Popular Music Topic

Pupils will continue to develop their skills in analysing and identifying key features in pieces of popular music. They will build on their knowledge about tonality, time signatures, tempos and dynamics. Pupils will also learn to identify different styles and learn about their cultural influences and history.

Instruments of the Orchestra & film music

Pupils will revisit what they learned in S1 about the instruments of the orchestra. Pupils will continue to develop their skills in identifying these instruments by ear in the context of music from films. Pupils will learn about the importance of music in films and continue to develop their skills in analysing pieces of music. 

character composition 

Following on from the Film Music Topic, pupils will choose a character from a film and create a short  composition that represents this character. They will take inspirations from pieces such as The Imperial March from Star Wars which alerts the audience to Darth Vader's arrival!

'What is good music?' project 

Pupils will explore the subjectivity or music and learn about what makes a piece of music 'good' or 'bad'. Pupils will then choose a style of music to  and research. They will look into the history and influences of their chosen style learn about associated musicians. Pupils will independently analyse examples of music from their style using the concepts that they have learned in S2.