S1 Music

S1 Music- Course Outline

Pupils at MGS attend Music once a week in S1 and S2

Solo Performing Skills

Pupils will have the opportunity to either build on existing skills or develop a basic understanding of how to play the keyboard, tuned percussion, bass guitar, ukulele and drum kit.

Learning to Read Music

Pupils will learn to identify and name notes correctly. They will also learn to understand a variety of musical symbols and develop their understanding of reading and playing different rhythms.

Group Performing Skills

Playing an instrument as part of a larger group is a key skill in music. During this project, pupils will choose an instrument to play as part of a 'class band'. They will practice their part individually then participate in a group rehearsal to ensure they are developing skills in playing in time with others.

Solo perfroming skills 

Pupils will have the opportunity to either build on existing skills or develop a basic understanding of how to play the keyboard, tuned percussion, bass guitar, ukulele and drums.

Learning to read music 

Pupils will learn to identify and name notes correctly. They will also learn to understand a variety of musical symbols and develop their understanding of reading and playing  different rhythms.

group performing skills 

Playing an instrument as part of a larger group is a key skill in music. During this project, pupils will choose an instrument to play as part of a 'class band'. They will practice their part individually then participate in a group rehearsal to ensure they are developing skills in playing in time with others.

listening skills 

Pupils will begin to develop their skills in analysing and identifying key features in pieces of popular music. They will learn about tonality, time signatures, tempos and dynamics. 

Guitar skills 

Pupils will learn about the guitar and learn to read and play chords confidently. Pupils will also learn to read guitar music written as TAB and have the opportunity to learn to play a variety of popular guitar riffs. 

RHythm composition 

Pupils will continue to develop their understanding of reading and writing rhythms as they play percussion instruments as part of a larger group before breaking into smaller groups to write their own compositions. Pupils will learn how to piece together different rhythms to build an interesting composition.

Instruments of the Orchestra 

Pupils will learn about the instruments that are part of an orchestra. Pupils will learn about how the instruments work and begin to learn how to identify these instruments by ear.