
Below are East Lothian Council’s procurement Standing Orders and Working Instructions. 


The Standing Orders cover all expenditure by the Council with third parties, i.e. the supply of goods, provision of services and delivery of works projects.  The Working Instructions form part of the Council’s Standing Orders.


East Lothian Council procurement e-learning is available for all staff.  Please login to LearnPro and select the ‘Introduction to Procurement’ module.


Amazon Business Account Communication 

Procurement Quick Guide.docx

Procurement Quick Guide

ELC Procurement Procedures Working Instructions v1.2 (Dec 2023).pdf

Working Instructions

Procurement Standing Orders v4.1 Dec22.pdf

Standing Orders

DSM_Financial_Procedures_for_Schools_June_23_FINAL (1).pdf

DSM Financial Procedures for Schools

ELC IR35 Hiring Mangers Guide v3.5 March24.pdf

Hiring Managers Guide


Instructions for Completion of Assessment