Two East Lothian Schools have been successful in their application for the Digital Schools Award. Ormiston Primary receiving the award a number of years ago while Knox Academy received their Digital School status in late 2021.

There are East Lothian schools currently working towards this award with the support of the SEIC Connector

Right, is a short slide deck sharing more information about the Digital Schools Award.

Below are the slides and recording from the recent East Lothian Digital Schools Award session. This recording includes input from Beverley McCormick (DSAS validator) David Reid (ESO Digital Learning) and an insight to the successful accreditation acheived by 2 East Lothian schools, Knox Academy and Ormistion Primary.

ELC - Digital Schools Award (2023-03-15 15:48 GMT)
DSAS presentation ELC.pptx

Knox Academy - Supporting Documents

Having recently applied and received their Digital Schools Award, Knox Academy had provide a number of documents to support their application. The documents below outline the school Digital Improvement Plan alongside their next steps when completing the checklist provided on the DSAS website. Knox worked with East Lothian Education Support Officer for Digital Learning to understand how work centrally would support them in the application.

There are many central document, policies and guidance created centrally that will support schools in their applications. To access these please visit the Support and Guidance page.

Knox Academy Imporvement plan.docx

Digital Improvement Plan 

Knox next steps Example.docx

Digital Skills Award Checklist and feedback from ELC Digital Support

The Digital Schools Award Checklist allows each school to better understand areas for improvement. This enables schools to identify particular aspects of Digital Learning that can be harnessed and focused on for staff, students or senior leaders. The checklist has been transferred onto Google Forms (left) this will allow East Lothian Schools to see clearly their areas for improvement but also enable East Lothian's Digital team to understand trends and plan appropriate support for schools through the training and development team.

For more support and assistance please contact David Reid on