East Lothian EduHub

Game Jam 2024!

This week seen the end of another successful Game Jam! With 2500 Primary pupils taking part we had well over 200 online games created using Scratch! 

We announced the prize winners on Wednesday and all schools are welcome to play this years game entries via the spreadsheet to the right.

Thanks to all learners, staff, parents and support staff who supported the event this year! We look forward to another successful Game Jam in 2025.

Game Jam 2024 Entries

Game Jam 2024 - Webinar Series

Throughout the Game Jam 2024 we had the support of 7 amazing professionals with jobs in the tech industry, gaming or a deep understanding of UNCRC. Now that our series is over anyone can access the short 20 minute inputs from these professionals and explore just what their job entails as well as what it took for them to get there.

These videos are excellent for applying learning to the jobs industry and linking the skills we developed in the Game Jam to opportunities that may present themselves as a career in later life.

Course listing for EduHub 2024-25.docx

Professional Learning Calendar

The professional learning calendar outlines ALL opportunities for East Lothian Education staff. 

Stand Up and Be Counted Next Steps

More information here 

Career-long Professional Learning for Educators (4).pdf

Global Citizenship in Scotland

The Development Education Centres Scotland offer a range of free, Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) opportunities for educators to support the development of Global Citizenship Education within their setting.

Here you can find the CLPL twilights on offer for early, primary and secondary level educators over the coming year. 

All CLPL Offers

24-06 Schools Newsletter.pdf

East Lothian School Libraries Newsletter June 2024

In this issue:

Summer Reading Challenge

Reading Schools update: what now?

CLPL opportunities

Funding opportunities

More information

microbits Progression Framework (Draft)

micro:bit Progression Planner

Micro:bits are little computers that offer so many learning opportunities in the computing Science space. The Progression (above) works through Bronze, Silver and Gold lessons with other additional projects that apply all skills learned within the programme. 

If you have any questions regarding the use of micro:bits in your class, please email digitallearningteam@eastlothian.gov.uk