Troubleshooting Tips & FAQs

When troubleshooting and trying to diagnose what is going on with your device, it's sometimes best to take a screenshot or screen recording of what is happening to send to the Office of Technology via the 1to1 Plus Help Desk.

How to Take a Screenshot on Your Device

How to Screenshot on a Chromebook

To take a screenshot on the Chromebook, click the control and switch screen (above the 6) keys at the same time.

How to Utilize the Camera on the Chromebook [Video]

How to take a Screenshot on the iPad

To take a screenshot on your iPad, simpl7 press the home button and the power button at the same time.

How to Take a Screen Recording on Your Device

Add Loom Extension.mp4

How to Screen Record on Chromebook

This video walks you through how to add the Loom Extension and utilize it to screen record on your Chromebook.

How to Screen Record and take a Screenshot on an iPad

In order to screen record, tap on the Settings icon, navigate to the Control Center, tape on Customize Controls, and tape the green + button to add Screen Recording to your control center.

To access the Control Center, click your home button at the bottom of the screen and swipe down from the top right corner.  You will see a record button.  If you recording icon down, you will see the option to turn the microphone on (it will turn red when it's on) so that you you can narrate what is happening.  

**To take a screenshot on an iPad, you will hold the Home button and Power button at the same time.  The photo will be saved to your photos album.**

Google FAQs

How do I export my files if I am a graduating Senior?

Each summer graduating seniors’ Google content is purged from the system. You are encouraged to take the data, which you have created throughout your years here, with you as you continue on your educational journey. The instructions below explain how to export or transfer your digital content from Google and your Network Drive. You need to accomplish this task before July 1st of your graduating year.

Export Google Data 

Google Takeout 

EPSD Network Data 

For Mac: 

For Windows: 

What is my credentials do not let me on my Chromebook?

Each summer graduating seniors’ Google content is purged from the system. You are encouraged to take the data, which you have created throughout your years here, with you as you continue on your educational journey. The instructions below explain how to export or transfer your digital content from Google. You need to accomplish this task before July 1st of your graduating year.

Export Google Data 

Please restart your device and try to log in again. 

Schoology FAQs

I'm having issues logging in, what can I do?

Before putting in a help desk ticket, we recommend the following steps to help fix the issue:

I'm unable to submit.

Please make sure to reconnect your Google Drive Resources App inside of Schoology.

iPad FAQs

What do I do if my iPad is frozen?

A hard reset on the iPad is needed

Hold down the power button and home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo. (Approximately 10-15 seconds)

What happens if I cannot connect to the internet?

Make sure that you are connected to your home Wifi. Go to settings > WiFi in order to check if there is a checkmark on your home WiFi. If not, connect to it.

How do I log in with Clever?

Clever can be found on the home screen of your iPad.  If you don’t have your badge, you can email your teacher OR you can search for your school and Log in with Google ( email address and password).

The portal can be accessed by clicking here. Click here to view portal screenshot.

Why does my iPad seem to be slower than usual?

Chromebook FAQs

How do I update my Chrome Operating System?

Please follow the directions listed here.  

How do I set up a home printer on my Chromebook?

Please follow the directions listed here.  

Why does my Chromebook to log me out every time that I close my lid?

What do I do if my Chromebook will not power on?

Why does my Chromebook say “Offline”?

Why does my Chromebook install apps and extensions each time that I log in?

Chromebooks are managed by East Penn School District and are currently set this way to ensure the latest updates and applications are installed.

What should I do if my Chromebook says “Lost or missing OS”?

Try restarting the device, if still an issue hold down “Power” and “Refresh” at the same time. If problem continues report to technology.

What do I do if I receive notifications that I should not be receiving?

If you are receiving explicit notifications on the Chromebook. Please copy the web address of the sites and email to the technology department so that they can be blocked. Next, restore settings to original defaults by clicking Advanced in Settings and scrolling to the bottom.

What should I do if my charger is not working?

Why is my trackpad not working?

What should I do if I keep getting redirected to a blocked site?