Tell me, do you own your face?

Now think about it for just a second. This question might seem right up there with "do you know how to tie your shoes?", or some question as obvious as that. But it strikes one to see that in fact, mass data collection, including very detailed aspects of your face, is done on a regular, daily basis. And this collection of information happens whether or not you are aware of this.

If time is money, so is information. The notion that info is gold, is known to almost all of us. It drives an enormous part of the global economy and politics. Those who know, can act in advance and seek better gains. Old news - yes. But the quest for data has, during the past years, exploded truly beyond control. This greed for information has long trespassed the boundaries of personal space. Our information… our personal data has been read, analyzed, shared, sold, categorized, even stolen… most of the time without our knowledge of it. From apps that record our every day in minute detail to being ID'd in the street by surveillance hardware and software. The quest to know more and more about basically everything is growing.


"Mind My Business" is an exhibit that aims for us to discover, discuss and perhaps come to conclusions about privacy and what (even if) we should do to guarantee some degree of our privacy and to see if mass data collection can have some positive aspects. Featuring the works from artists and designers such as Ai Weiwei, Ewa Nowak, Mishka Henner, Adam Harvey, and Hasan Elahi, this exhibit is poised to make a stand against the growing dismantlement basic privacy,and perhaps reaffirm the right to own our faces.

Mind My Business.mp4

Exhibit presentation video