Firstly, this is more than just about plain hate. Hate can happen in many forms. It can manifest by injustice, inequalities, social situations, religions, racial issues, cultural issues, where you live, where you work... the list can indeed go on for long. Hate is one of the most destructive forces we humans can express. Is hate essentially born from the lack of empathy towards others?

There are numerous cave paintings depicting tribes going to war. A lot of mistrust and hatred bring war. Since we have been actively battling each other since the beginning of time, is hatred part of our nature? And if so, how can we work in order to change this destructive behavior of ours?

Hate can destroy lives. It is a very powerful emotion that can be in us all. Hate can come in, and from a variety of sources like distrust, inequalities, race, culture, religion, political and personal orientation, as well as in many other ways. Hate is the root of many of humanities problems. Have you seen hate? What did you see it do?