A welcome and an important notice!

The ideal situation to view this website is by using a desktop computer or laptop with the aid of a cellphone or tablet. The reason being is that you will have to use a secondary device, like a cellphone or tablet, to view the content.

>>If you wish to see a version of the website that does not need the BlippAR software, please click here.<<

This exhibit and webpage use AR technology from BlippAR.com.

This technology will enable you not only to see the exhibit but also understand the context for why it is being used with the exhibit in the first place. During your visit, you will be prompted to use your device with a backward-facing camera (cellphone or tablet), to scan QR codes in order to view the embedded content. Please allow permissions to use the device camera and speaker. In order to get used to the technology, please go to this try out page.

Choose below one of the buttons in order to proceed with your visit!