Chapter 5

9th - 11th-Grades

"The Blank Map"

Welcome to the 9th-11th Grade audio visit. In this audio MuseOn visit, you will take part in a game where you will be the master of your story, by choosing what chapters will be part of your experience. To do this, you must count with the help of the roll of a die. Each of you will had about enough time to listen, and work with, at least two audio visits. In each visit, you will be required to write and/or draw on a blank map that you will be creating.

The results are maps and experiences that are individualized; unique! Begin by doing a checklist of the required items you should have. If by some chance, you were unable to bring them, then your advisory or studyhall teacher should be able to help you.

To begin this journey, listen to the Introduction audio.

Good luck!

List of Materials needed!

Your audio visits will need a certain number of materials. Each visit might ask you for one or more of the materials listed below. Please make sure you bring them all on your scheduled audio visit day!

The materials:

1) A cellphone with headphones. Keep the camera App on!

2) One die (we don't need two dice, just one will do).

3) A blank sheet of paper and a clipboard, or surface to write or draw on, like a clipboard.

4) A writing utensil, like a pen, pencil, marker, or crayon.

5) The current book you are reading. Preferably for English or Literature class.

6) A quick snack. Nothing too fancy, just something easy.

7) Most importantly: please make sure you are wearing a mask properly, and have some hand sanitizer ready for use if needed.

8) If necessary, a bag or backpack to carry all these items.

Pictures, Videos and Your Work!

Please upload your pictures and videos of the visits you did, as well as the work you completed into this Google folder link!


Please do NOT share with other students, what happens in the visit! Don't do spoilers! We all want to enjoy it equally, so don't tell students from other groups what happens in the visit! Thank you!

Part 1/ Introduction Audio

Introduction to the visit. All students must hear this audio file first.

Flow 9th - 11th grade intro.mp3

Roll 1 / Audio 1:

"The Consequence of Flow"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll1.mp3

Roll 2 / Audio 2:

"The Constant Flow"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll2.mp3

Roll 3 / Audio 3:

"The Flow of Food"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll3.mp3

Roll 4 / Audio 4:

"The Flow of Value"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll4.mp3

Roll 5 / Audio 5:

"The Flow of Power"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll5.mp3

Roll 6 / Audio 6:

"The Flow of Knowledge"

Click to hear this audio visit

Flow 9th - 11th roll6.mp3

Pictures, Videos and Your Work!

Please upload your pictures and videos of the visits you did, as well as the work you completed into this Google folder link!