Catherine Van Haute

Belle Âme

Sarah Jewell: French Quarter

belle âme

No matter what they say

You are beautiful

Very often you hear

That true beauty is on the inside

And there is no truer statement

But, for those who still think

That beauty is found on the skin

Let me prove to you

That beauty is only found within

Beautiful are those who overflow with love

Who pray not only for friends and family

But for the lost souls and the enemies

Who project a blissful spirit

And give comfort to those who seek it

Beautiful are those who have the bravery of lions

Who stand firm in their beliefs

Who may be knocked down by others

But choose to rise back up and maintain hope

Those who spread words of peace

But aren’t afraid to turn them into war cries

Beautiful are those who put others before themselves

Who choose to guide those who are lost

Instead of leading them astray for a laugh

Who choose to break the status quo

When society will only tell them “no”

And so I say to those

With courage, purity of heart

And with the true King by their side

If you were any more beautiful

You would be embedded into the heavens