Morgan Auzine

Lead-Tipped Redeemer

Clayton Fair: Spiderman Shattered

Morgan Auzine: Lead-Tipped Redeemer

an everyday object with such immense power

used every day and every hour

to create, inspire and express

to address, blame and confess

without it, humanity would have missed so much

from childhood stories to even God’s great touch

from happily ever afters to scary night tales

life changing and unforgettable details

words and stories passed on and on

but these verbal narratives can slowly be gone

forgotten and specifics missed

stories told over again are slowly dismissed

in a world where technology is worshipped

our lack of empathy and love worsens

faces and emotions hidden behind screens

no one truly knows what we even mean

so we must remember the start

and please take it to heart

back to the times of true feelings and geniality

and save this word from its own fatality