Thursday 4/30/20

Hello 1A Families!

Please continue sending pictures or videos of completed activities through Class Dojo, Google Classroom, email or to my phone.


Epic! - Books for Kids - Google Chrome 2020-04-28 15-34-52.mp4

✎Read or listen to an informational text.

  • While reading, pay attention to how the author organizes the text.

  • Is the author writing events in the order they happen?

  • Is the author using words to describe the topic?

✎Write at least 3 complete sentences to tell about the informational text you read.

Potential Grade

  • Have students share what they noticed about how the author organized the informational text they read.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Enrichment (Optional) Reading/Language Arts Activities:

💻 READING Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Ed, GetEpic (svl6454), ABCya, Starfall, Storyline Online, FunBrain


✎ Starting at any number, practice saying the numbers in order (forwards and backwards) to 120.

✎ Think about the value of a quarter. How many nickels equal a quarter? How many pennies?

✎ Draw a picture of 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 2 nickels and 7 pennies. How much money is this? Write it using numbers and a cent symbol.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Enrichment (Optional) Math Activities:

💻 Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Flocabulary, ABCya, Starfall, Funbrain, Hoodamath, Math Playground, Cool Math Games


✎ Look around your home for things that have light and sound energy when they are turned on. (example: television)

✎ Choose one thing that has light and sound energy.

  • How would it be different if it only had sound energy?

  • How would it be different if it only had light energy?

Time Allotment: 20 minutes


💻 Using the map app on a cell phone, locate your home and explore the area near your home.

  • What is the name of your street?

  • Can you find your school?

  • Can you find your favorite restaurant?

  • Find somewhere fun to go near your home.

Potential Grade

  • Have students describe the places they found on the map. Were they able to find their school? Can they identify the name of their street? Did they find a familiar place near their home?

Time Allotment: 20 minutes