Friday 4/3/20

RLA - Reading/Language Arts

Dallas ISD Reading/Language Arts Assignments:

✎ Ask someone to read aloud the following words. Use magnetic letters to make the words or spell them on paper: class, melt, list, soft, much

✎ Ask someone to read aloud the following words. Use magnetic letters to make the words or spell them on paper: crash, brush, dust, moth, wish, toss, cloth, push, desk

✎ Choose one of the following options for writing:

● OPTION 1: Write a story that has a beginning, middle, and end.

● OPTION 2 : Write a letter to a friend and tell them what you have been doing at home this week.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Enrichment (Optional) Reading/Language Arts Activities:

💻 Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Ed, GetEpic


Dallas ISD Math Assignments:

✎ Starting at any number, practice saying the numbers in order (forwards and backwards) to 120.

✎ Write about what you do at 8:00 AM, 12:30 PM, and 5:00 PM.

✎ Draw a clock to show each time.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Enrichment (Optional) Math Activities:

💻 Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Flocabulary


Dallas ISD Science Assignments:

✎ Draw a picture of what you see in the sky during the day and a picture of what you see in the sky at night.

✎Write about how the day and night skies are similar and different.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Social Studies

Dallas ISD Social Studies Assignments:

Checkpoints for Understanding

● What are customs? (Possible responses include: Customs are activities that families participate in together, such as the ways they celebrate holidays and birthdays, picnics for holidays or special events, taking vacations to the same place, etc.)

● What are traditions? (When families participate in activities repeatedly over time, they become family traditions. Traditions are often passed from one generation to the next.)

● Why is it important for families to continue customs and traditions? (Customs and traditions provide a sense of belonging or create a bond among family members. They develop a sense of self-esteem in the members of that family.)

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Health/Physical Education

Dallas ISD Health/Physical Education Assignments:


✎ Re-discuss with your child why, when, and for how long they should wash their hands. Have your child draw a picture of themselves washing their hands. Practice hand washing for 20 minutes (sing the alphabet song).

Time allotment: 10 minutes

Physical Education

💻 or ✎- “25 Ways to Move” you can move in your classroom at home.

Do as many as you can.

Checkpoint for Understanding:

● How does exercise help your body?

Time Allotment: 20 minutes - 1-2 times/day

Fine Arts

Dallas ISD Fine Arts Assignments:


💻 Musical Theatre: Disney Choreography

✎ Listen to your favorite Disney song and perform it, as the character in a mirror. Try incorporating large movements with the louder parts of the song and smaller movements with the softer parts of the song.

✎ After rehearsing your song, you will feel confident enough to perform for the people in your home.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes