Wednesday 4/15/20

Hello 1A Families!

Please continue sending pictures or videos of completed activities through Class Dojo, Google Classroom, email or to my phone.


  1. Read aloud the following groups of words:

  • hat, band, stem, chest, trick, ditch, slot, blond, hunt, tusk

  • hi, go, me, she

  • steam, rain, chief, road

  • cart, burn, stir, herd

  • cube, zone, ride, make

  1. Now use your best handwriting to print each of the words in the first activity.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

📷 Send a picture or video of completed assignments to Ms. Dugger (Class Dojo,, text, or Google Classroom - Code op372uk) for attendance, participation, and grading.

Enrichment (Optional) READING/ WRITING Activities:

💻 Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Ed, GetEpic (code: svl6454), ABCya, Starfall, Storyline Online, FunBrain


Potential Grade

  • Explain to someone at home how triangles and rectangles are the same and different?

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

📷 Send a picture or video of completed assignments to Ms. Dugger (Class Dojo,, text, or Google Classroom - Code op372uk) for attendance, participation, and grading.

Enrichment (Optional) Math Activities:

💻 Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Flocabulary, ABCya, Starfall, Funbrain, Hoodamath, Math Playground, Cool Math Games


1. Look at your picture from yesterday. Think about how the picture would change for each different season.

2. Draw a picture of your favorite season and write why it is your favorite.

Potential Grade

  • Explain to someone at home which season is your favorite and why.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

📷 Send a picture or video of completed assignments to Ms. Dugger (Class Dojo,, text, or Google Classroom - Code op372uk) for attendance, participation, and grading.



💻Read aloud Rabbit Ears by Amber Stewart.

✎ With a piece of paper and pencil, follow the instructions and draw your own bunny.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes