Monday 3/30/20

RLA - Reading/Language Arts

Dallas ISD Reading/Language Arts Assignments:

✎ Name three words that rhyme with the word cat .

✎ Have a caregiver say a word. Respond by saying two words that rhyme with their word.

✎ Write at least two complete sentences that tell about your favorite room in your home. Be sure to use subject-verb agreement.

Checkpoints for Understanding

● Name a series of at least 3 rhyming words. Tell how you know the words rhyme.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Enrichment Reading/Language Arts Activities:

  • Read the passage, The Rhyme Game, and answer the questions.

  • Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Ed, Epic


Dallas ISD Math Assignments:

✎ Starting at any number, practice saying the numbers in order (forwards and backwards) to 120.

✎ Use 10 objects to help write addition number sentences that equal 10. How many can you find?

Checkpoint for Understanding

● Explain how you found your number sentences with someone at home.

Time Allotment : 20 minutes

Enrichment Math Activities:

  • Watch the video below about 3D shapes riddles and complete the math workbook pages 563, 564, 566.

  • Technology Suggestions: IStation, Education Galaxy, Flocabulary

GoMath! Lesson 15.4.mp4


Dallas ISD Science Assignments:

✎ Go outside and draw a picture of your neighborhood or yard. Label the living and nonliving things.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

Social Studies

Dallas ISD Social Studies Assignments:

✎ Family Traditions are activities or actions that have been done in a family for generations (e.g., hold family reunions on 4th of July, go to the cemetery to put flowers on graves for Memorial Day, make quilts, etc.) Talk with someone about customs and traditions. Discuss the following: How do different families celebrate special times? How are families alike/different in their traditions?

Time Allotment : 20 minutes

Health/Physical Education

Dallas ISD Health/Physical Education Assignments:


✎ Reinforce the importance of hand washing. Use a bowl of water, black pepper, and liquid hand soap. Sprinkle pepper on the surface of the water. The pepper represents germs. Have the child dip one finger into the water. What happens to the pepper? Nothing- just like placing their hands under water will not remove germs. Take finger out. Coat it with soap. Dip coated finger in the water again. What happened to the germs?

Time Allotment: 10 minutes

Physical Education

💻 “Dance It Out!” - Designed specifically for PK-2 students, these are easy to follow and great to get younger students moving and grooving! Complete all 5 songs/dances at least once this week. 5 per day would be awesome!

✎ Dance to 5 of your favorite dance songs.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes - 1-2 times per day

Fine Arts

Dallas ISD Fine Arts Assignments:


💻 How to Draw A Portrait - Using paper and a pencil, draw a picture of yourself or a family member after watching this video. To add color, use markers, crayons or colored pencils.

✎ Look at yourself in a mirror. Draw a picture of what you see. To add color, use markers, crayons or colored pencils.

Checkpoint for Understanding

● Ask your family member if there is a resemblance to your drawing.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes