The Individual Oral


The Prompt: Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of two of the works that you have studied.

The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

Short Stories of GG Marquez


Speeches on Social Justice

Paintings of Kenhinde Wiley

A. Select a field of inquiry you are passionate about

B. Determine a global issue that aligns

C. Select 2 texts (1 must be a Non-Literary Text that correspond with your global issue

D. Use the graphic organizer to plan

E. Complete your Planning Slides

F. Practice

Inquiry #1

  • Othello/ Shakespeare

  • Between the World/Me

  • Light in the Dark/ Anzaldua

  • Frankenstein/ Shelley

  • Madwomen (poetry)

Inquiry #4

  • Light in the Dark/ Anzaldua

  • Frankenstein/ Shelley

  • Madwomen (poetry/Mistral)

Inquiry #2

  • Between the World/Me

  • Light in the Dark/ Anzaldua

  • Frankenstein/ Shelley

  • The Plague/ Camus

Inquiry #5

  • Frankenstein/ Shelley

  • The Plague/ Camus

  • Madwomen (poetry)/Mistral

Inquiry #3

Inquiry #6

  • Othello/ Shakespeare

  • Light in the Dark/ Anzaldua

  • Frankenstein/ Shelley

  • The Plague/ Camus

  • Madwomen (poetry)/ Mistral

Select your Texts:

  • 1 Non-Literary (cartoons or photos)

  • 1 Literary

  • Set up your Google Slides and curate your resources. Notes are optional, but helpful

Text 1: Non-Literary Text

Political Cartoons/ Jim Morin

Text 2: Literary Text


My IO Planning Guide IB HL Language and Literature
2020-21 DP_ Internal External Assessment Schedule_Language and Literature

Sign up: Based on completion of PLANNING GUIDE


MY IO Planning Slides: The Individual Oral
IO Outline and Notes

C. Analyze

The 5 Cs of Analyzing Text

The 5 Cs of Analyzing Text

Analyzing Images

Written example

IO Model Patriotism_N .pdf

Your Teacher's Example

Model IA: Distortion and Manipulation in Language.mp4

Another example

The Assessment Rubric

ib_rubric_for_individual_oral_presentation_examination_starting_2021 (1).pdf

Deliver: The Schedule

2020-21 DP_ Internal External Assessment Schedule_Language and Literature

Creative Writing Version (for NON-DP Students ONLY)

Overview In your groups, you will explore the intersection between three UN Global Goals. Collect a minimum of five texts (representing a minimum of five text types); each text should discuss the intersection of at least two of your Global Goals, to form a full picture of how these issues impact or affect one another. (Know, Understand and Interpret)

Create a dynamic digital presentation to teach your classmates about the importance of your issues. In your discussion, address:

  • What are the text types? How can you tell, and what are the features of that text type?

  • How have you applied Marshall McLuhan Medium is the Message to your analysis and evaluation of the medium text types?

  • How did the writer use language in a unique or purposeful way to communicate their ideas? (Analysis and Evaluation)

Your final product must be dynamic, interesting, instructive, and digitally innovating. You should:

  • Define all three of your global issues independently

    • Use the UN website, but make the language accessible for your peers.

  • Substantively discuss the ways that each issue compounds or complicates the others

  • In what ways have you demonstrated that your various texts offer multiple perspectives, issues, and topics? How do the forms or genres impact their perspective and how the creators communicated it? How is “Medium is the Message” relevant here?

  • Who is affected by these intersections? What challenges do they face as a result?

  • Who / which organizations are attempting to solve this issue? What impact is their work having? What challenges are they facing? (Consider financial, political, environmental, etc)

  • How can you (and your classmates!) use this new knowledge to “think globally, act locally”?

  • How has this research helped you realize how you fit into this global community? In what ways, has your (family, community, school, country, etc) been helping or hurting these issues through actions or inactions?