The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

Statement of Inquiry: Critical Literary lenses are perspectives that can influence a reader’s understanding of creativity, identity, culture, historical representations, and can be transformative on a psychological, social, and political level to communicate a writer’s message. 

Inquiry Questions: 

Weekly Overviews 

Week 1 : Part of this week will be used to review the linguistic and literary concepts taught last year. Students will complete an ABC review individually and as a whole class, This will take approximately two days. During the remainder of the week, the Critical literary lens theories will be introduced to students and students will participate in a Meeting of the Minds activity that requires students to look at the context of Pablo Neruda’s life using the historical lens. Students will also read the Introductory poems and complete a Critical lens theory response.  

Week 2 Students will begin reading the Love poems of Pablo Neruda. Students will complete quizlet activities to gain contextual and conceptual insights into the poetry. I will model how to use the psychological critical lens theory and allow students to work in groups (Meeting of the Masterminds)  to discuss aspects of the poem (stylistic techniques, concepts…)  Students will also examine concepts that are evident in each poem. 

Week 3 Students will begin reading the Nature poems of Pablo Neruda. Students will complete quizlet activities to gain contextual and conceptual insights into the poetry. I will model how to use the psychological critical lens theory and allow students to work in groups (Meeting of the Masterminds)  to discuss aspects of the poem (stylistic techniques, concepts…)  Students will also examine concepts that are evident in each poem.  

Week 4: Mid-Term Evaluation/Mini IA Students will review their learner portfolio and will be given class time to write their 1,200-1,500 word analytical essay that examines how Neruda uses stylistic techniques to express his perspective on love/nature. The Rubric will also be discussed throughout the writing process. 

Week 5: Ascension and descension in The Heights of Macchu Picchu” The primary focus of this week will be introducing students to the structure and style of “Canto General” We will also examine global issues that are presented in the first “epic poem” that we read “Canto General” Students will use examine artifacts that connect with the reading and use the artifact box protocol to guide discussions. 

Weeks 6 and 7 Global issues in “Canto General” We will continue reading the poems in “Canto General.” as we also examine intertextual connections between the poems and the photography of David Guttenfleder. Students will use the Photo Analysis Guide to write a 10-15 sentence response that interprets the photo and what global issue it conveys.      

Week 8: Students will begin working on a performance-based assessment that will mirror the Individual Oral (IO).  The Rubric and expectations will be presented. Students will select a global issue that is reflected in “Canto General” and a secondary text (David Guttenfelder’s photography or Kahinde Wiley’s portraits). After outlining their ideas, students will deliver a 5 minute oral that reflects their understanding of how both texts reflect the global issue.  

Week 9: Students will deliver MINI IO presentations this week. A peer evaluation and reflection activity will also be completed as students listen to their classmates’ orals.  

Representation (HL Essay)

Transformation (HL Essay)

Love/Nature/ Identity  (HL essay)

Creativity (HL Essay)

Communication (HL Essay)