About Me

My Professional Presentations (2020)

Digital Notebooks Presentation

Unleashing Creativity: The Power of Digital Notebooks and Portfolios, YAL 2020

Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds: The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaboration, YAL 2020

Perfecting the Playlist - Googlepalooza Version

Perfecting the Playlist,

GooglePalooza 2020

Perfecting the Playlist - Googlepalooza Version

Perfecting the Playlist,

Framework Fest 2020

My Philosophy of Teaching and Resume

My Philosophy of Teaching

My philosophy of teaching has transformed over the course of my 19 years of teaching a variety of English classes in literature and writing. As a transformational constructivist, I believe it is important to empower young minds to not only learn, but to also provide my students with the tools, methods, strategies, and skills necessary for success. These successful methods have impacted my teaching over the years. I have used a range of methods in order to mold and transform my students’ thinking about texts that seem distant or remote to their lives. I display excellence in all aspects of my profession and have an exceptional rapport with students, parents, and staff. I go above and beyond my required duties as a classroom teacher. I am passionate, dedicated, collaborative, innovative, enthusiastic, responsible, and reliable. I am reflective and always taking steps to grow and change to ensure academic success for all. I chose to work in CPS because I wanted to positively impact students’ unique abilities, interests, hopes and dreams in a city where dreams are attainable and opportunities are available.

As a teacher, I create, assess, and use a multitude of materials, resources to support learning. I engage students in real world applications, so they can better understand and explore important issues in their lives and the world. I differentiate instruction and provide multiple pathways for students to explore and build understanding across the curriculum. As a transformational constructivist, I’m always looking for opportunities to grow and change and provide the same opportunities for students.

I am intentional and deliberate in my teaching of skills and am attentive to incorporating objectives for lesson plans that are aligned with Common Core Standards, SAT models, and IB Criterions and my principal has used my alignment as models for other teachers to follow. I love inspiring and helping teachers and many of my colleagues have been inspired to imitate routines, procedures, and various anchor charts that are part of my classroom teaching.

Having taught ninth through twelfth grades, I make sound instructional decisions across the curriculum. I establish an inclusive, collaborative and independent, democratic, and safe environment for my students. I assist my students in learning to respect and appreciate differences. I create, assess, and use a multitude of materials, resources, and community members to support learning. I engage students in real world applications, so they can better understand and explore important issues in their lives and the world. I differentiate instruction and provide multiple pathways for students to explore and build understanding across the curriculum. My classroom web site enables students to access my lesson plans, activities, and other enrichment activities; as a means of collaboration, my colleagues are also encouraged to utilize my web site for resources.

I believe that all students can learn. Students need to be given a variety of the opportunities of self-expression and reaffirmation to speak about current events issues that shape and transform their lives. Students can learn about the power that words and language can have and how that power can lead to constructive and transformational changes in society.

My Resume

Baltsas_Resume SY 2020 TTC.docx