Animal Farm

OVERVIEW : In this unit, students will see how  allegory  is used to  present a narrative on multiple levels. On one level, it is about animals leading a revolt on the farm, and on another level it is symbolic (and thereby critical) of the Russian Revolution. 

The purpose of this unit is for students to apply their knowledge of the IB concepts as they transcend through the social and political aspects of society. Students will  also recognize the universal global issues allegorized in Animal Farm, such as complacency, ignorance, and greed for power.  Students’ knowledge, understanding, and interpretation of George Orwell and the history behind his political allegory will enable them to analyze a concept of their choosing, which will develop their thinking about their HL essay.  SAT skills like  word choice, use of commas, dashes, semicolons, colons, and redundancy will be taught in the context of the novel to better prepare students for the PSAT exa


Skills based:


How does the language we speak influence our perspective (toward time, place, culture?)

Statement of Inquiry: Societal and literary perspectives have the potential to influence conflicts and ideologies via context, resulting in the recognition and acceptance of dystopian identities and governmental manipulated relationships.

Inquiry Questions: